Friday, August 6, 2010


We thought if New York-based designer, Jason Cauchi, the man behind the breezy cool line, Dallin Chase, could answer Fashionista's seven questions... then he could give us five!

If you weren't a designer, what would be doing?
Farming. I'd either have a farm upstate raising rabbits and maybe I'd have bee's to jar and sell my own honey. Or figs and lemons in Malta.

What would you spend $10 on right now?
Flowers - Peonies for my wife.

What's your favorite place to visit?
Gozo, Malta for sun. Paris for everything else!

What's your favorite song of all time?
Pump up the volume by M|A|R|R|S

If someone had to play you in a movie, who would it be?
Freddie from iCarly for my early years - my kids like that show. Adam Sandler for my 20's - my wife likes him. Eddie Murphy for my 30's - I'm planning to do a lot the next ten years. Johnny Depp for the rest of the way - Everybody likes him!

1 comment:

  1. If I were a designer, I will definitely design glamorous dress for myself to be collected to be passed on from one generation to another generation. Isn't it great?

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